why homestuck is problematic

As he comes to better understand and accept himself for who he is, the homophobia fades from his vocabulary, he opens up to people, and allows more of his vulnerabilities to show though. Ive yet to hear from Jane fans who had to watch the character Ben Shapiro her way into supporting actual genocide of an entire race of sentient beings. Is there anyone who can help me? I like my complaints like I like my inception, always going one level deeper. He's an asshole and I can't stand him. The largest, most active Homestuck community. Sprouts' operating income surged 20% to $62 million. When I did that I had a problem with the paginate laravel 8 UI getting messy and somehow it happened. He doesnt let characters act like their nature would suggest, and instead manipulates them to fulfill some larger purpose. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Point 4: Explanation and justification are not the same. The Homestuck following was (and is in many ways still) very involved with the project. There is no denying that. Maybe because Hussie doesn't actually speak English? Yes it is. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. I tend prefer Jade when she has as at least milligram of agency, but, again, sorry I liked her in the first place, I guess. Peachy is a better joke anyway (because fruits). After that page was posted, people (mostly from Tumblr) started a bit of an uproar, so Hussie retconned that page to say "PEACHY" rather than Caucasian. About 8,000 pages. The April 2019 epilogues are less a long-awaited conclusion to an epic and more the last spasms of a stream-of-consciousness-turned-webcomic that collapsed under its own weight years ago. Maybe the epilogues are in part supposed to make us feel what its like to have to balance plot-driven meat with fluffy, character-driven candy and, even after years of practice, to still feel like youve come up short. After the epilogues to the story released in April 2019, the story stands at just over 1 million words. Or like how this first conversation between John and Terezi is way different knowing John spends his dying breaths bleeding out, poisoned, hate-fucking Terezi in the back of his dads Sedan. WebWi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. They show up literally once in the background of a page and a few times during the final fight(s). Hi. She is secure in who she is, complete with her disability, without the desire to be fixed or normal. Despite this small, impressive moment, Homestuck is, overall, extremely ableist and disrespectful toward its disabled characters, and real persons with disabilities. It aims to find out the shortest path during a salesman visiting cities below illustration. However, back when HS was being written, it was OK to say the word. Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. The Homestuck Discord exists at https://discord.gg/homestuck if you want to chat with fellow fans. Calliope and Dirk at times fight for control of the narrative, Dirk engineering the story to fit his purposes, and Calliope trying her best to let events play out as they would naturally. If you are talking about, Karkat: hey asshole, stop playing games for girls, then I see it differently from you. 13. The 10,000 dollar donors for Hussie's kickstarter. On a scarier note, fans have even gone as far as to find Hussies brothers social media accounts, according to those who posted it. Why it matters: Silvergate had an unusually strong balance sheet but that wasn't enough to save it because in today's high-rate to clarify my stance im a big homestuck fan im a big fan of toby foxs work im criticizing people who think homestuck is "too problematic" but think toby is "good and clean and safe" hes just as fucked up as the rest of us /pos. Homestuck is the full power of the Internet refocused into an artistic and storytelling force the likes and scale of which I havent seen attempted again. And then they have a kid who she abuses. WebRead MS Paint Adventures. Id post a sample here if reading my old work didnt literally set me on fire. Habitat for Humanity calls this sweat equity, which is a required part of the program participants must gain hundreds of hours of volunteer work by helping build homes. When I said "Hussie created them that way for a reason", this doesn't mean "Hussie agrees with literally every awful thing in Homestuck" despite what some people seem to think that's what I'm saying. At its peak, the comic entertained roughly 600,000 readers a day, and inspired one of the most robust cult followings of a generation fans filled convention floors with cosplays of the characters and filled online forums and websites like Tumblr full of fan art. WebBut, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Oh yeah also you link to ipgd's post with Cool Dude and Stoner Lou, which, for context, is a direct parody of Shredded Moose--you really need that context to understand CDASL. Article continues below advertisement. On Twitter, creatives, journalists, and anyone with a modest following agonize over what people think they know about them online, and trolls regularly obsess over personal information around topics like mental health. newsletter, Streamers have to become increasingly savvy, what people think they know about them online, information around topics like mental health, like writing fanfiction or creating fan art. But it's also a prime example of the hidden insolvency that exists across much of the banking sector. Point is there are lots of the same character running around always. but the stance that critical enjoyment is impossible because of those aspects that don't look good today is pretty flawed. It's not Hussie approving of such activities. Back then, fans popularized in-character discussions where fans could roleplay characters through an online chat. Any art of a character on a body pillow has a 90% chance of it being sexual. I think a lot of new authors start out by aping works they admire. Everyone ends up miserable, the worst version of themselves. Homestuck actually so sensitive to changes in the Internet that continuing the site as intended has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Reading Homestuck is no easy feat, and will take a large amount of time. Except, https://www.homestuck.com/story/386 has this to say: EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. EDIT: I feel as though I should note that aside from controversies 11 and 7, I've attempted to portray these controversies as neutrally as possible (and my only opinion on 7 is that I think the female characters in Homestuck are very well written). he makes people uncomfortable? Her Imperious Condescension is one of the most notable victims of hussies blatant racism. I mean the priests are fucking clowns for god's sake, that's pretty fucking blatant. I wrote in second person. I didn't find many of the document's arguments compelling, but I also don't find this rebuttle compelling as it focuses very much on reacting more to the person/people writing than any points made. The video, predictably, provoked speculation over the true timeline and events surrounding the games development. or have experienced the same thing? why you lookiing at my flaiir. The NSFW route, hes a complete douchewad, bullying Lynera and trying to pressure you into drugs and sex. If I release a book full of just Nazi shit but end it by saying "BTW these aren't my views I was writing as a character lol" I can't use that to cover my ass for writing a book full of Nazi shit. Theres the aforementioned not-finishing-the-story-ness I talked about earlier. WebAnswer random questions and Ill give you a Lana del ray lyric that will reveal a deep truth about you. Dividend Yield. Oh don't worry, I always planned to cover PEACHY. Yet were given both to read. Hussie built a career by spinning dramatic and bumbling tales of the onslaughts of online life. While many people inside the Homestuck fandom thought this was an excellent and humorous reward (especially considering they got all the other rewards below it as well) people outside of the comic fandom didn't get the joke and thought it was an example of Hussie being and egomanical jerk. Quite a bit of it, has, unfortunately landed on rachel, who if I recall correctly, is in charge of a lot of the business decisions, or at least enforcing them. To me, black is just a color. This is basically what I did, and these two ideas mix together in the narrative., Prior to releasing this story, Hussie struggled to pinpoint what his brand was as the creator of Homestuck. Incest - all trolls are biologically "related" Incest isn't a problem for them. When I read that, I remember scoffing. The impressive thing is, these couldve easily just been throw-away, cheap, forced, gags. WebThe implosion of Silvergate Bank has a lot to do with the fact that it was crypto's bank of choice. It is the close button at the top right (or left) of your BROWSER WINDOW. Anarchist. (peachy in bright text. An otherwise slumbering fandom ignited as people filled Reddit forums with speculation. You have a staunch policy of trusting pretentious assholes on the Internet. Leitmotifs will appear again and again in comic in recurring scenarios, creating something more than a callback, but less than full force beat-you-over-the-head-with-it thematic synergy. So what fills that vacuum is rampant speculation. Are many of them flawed? In addition, his disability is usually synonymous with the fact that Tavros is considered by the characters around him to be a loserTavros as a loser in his social circle, combined with his disability, make him a common object of ridicule. They both exist. Hes not. A particularly long entry in a book series can get up to 200 thousand words. Thats no way to handle an issue like this. The Meat/Candy dichotomy is one Hussie developed for himself long before the release of the epilogues. You mean I cant wear the same thing I wore when I was younger? He is best known as the creator of Homestuck, a multimedia webcomic presented in the style of a text-based graphical adventure game, as well as other works in a similar style that were hosted on Terezi wanted them to be "L1K3 4 Sure, I guess. Rufioh, dead 19 year old hitting on aradiabot, aka aradia as a permanent dead 13 year old. and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done because their revenue is huge and governed by much more than direct sales. Also feel free to send me ideas of things youd like me to cover! I feel like you had "better" things to say than I did. People actually pull a bigger fit about the fact that it was retconed than they ever did over the original joke. Yes, but so are the men. A disruption in narrative events. But, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Conspiracy theories, outright fabrications, connecting dots on whatever precious facts are known to paint whatever picture the theorizer wants to paint. There exists a possibility of me being a pizza. But maybe that's just my take. The mysteries. Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. Also this sexual line of chixies (just grab my bulge and deepthroat it). It also has an unprecidented degree of fan interaction laced throughout the comic, with readers being invited in through suggesting actions, names, and other content; producing art and music; and headcanons later 'canonised' or 'debunked'. This is just a single example of how bootleg items (because yes, even if they're being made with love and sold with respect for the original creator, they are bootleg items) can directly influence a small business' decisions and bottom line. Why? So, Hussie himself condradicted well, himself. Delorosas constant rape was considered unapologetically trashy romance and porn. Homestuck uses Flash, which means that it has The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. In the final act of Homestuck were told the artifact defeats Lord English, and were told he dies after getting sunk in a black hole. This one seems more like a short story than opinion dressed up like hard-hitting analysis, but maybe it will make for a welcome change of pace. 1.4K Takers Personality Quiz. $24.00. Apparently some things Hussie produced in the past were fairly misogynistic/racist, and there's some debate over what Hussie's current opinions are. Come on, you disappoint. Still, he said that the text works as a thematic followup to his entire experience with building a fandom. I didn't even know that there is a stereotype until now. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. And in this one Mituna himself just kind of sexually harrasses Meenah. OK, but how is that racist? From $14.00 End Pose Print. It wasn't even that funny! I thought we were more on the page of "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him", Man like almost every single criticism this person presents can be explained away with one of 3 responses. How can any story even get written then? When users affected by the problem try to access the DISH network system, all they get is a System is currently Possibly in a bid to avoid pulpiting to any fans, or even me the writer, he said he doesnt think his story is telling each and every person to cut themselves off. I am pretty sure you weren't meant to like her doing that. Read it on a computer. I welcome it. First, Tavros Nitram is treated abhorrently in Homestuck; his disability (he is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down) is oftentimes depicted in a hilarious way to try and make the audience laugh. Im not sure how much there is thats truly positive about those things, but there is plenty which is negative. I just had no idea until you told me just now. N/A. cough Cronus cough. The lesson here is that an abuse victim needed to learn to take life into their own hands sooner. By the time I was up to date with Homestuck, it was a fair ways in and even then I didn't really participate in the fandom so no event is too big or too obvious to mention. Point 3: Homestuck is not delicate or child friendly. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sure, their bodies didn't change, but don't you dare say ghosts don't mature mentally. They post in the most inappropriate moments, for example, a tragedy happened, and all of a sudden a K-Pop post pops up in the replies not once but many, many times. In case it matters, I live in Europe and I have seen like 6 or 7 black people in my entire life. The epilogues were poorly received among some fans for a variety of reasons. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. Energy transfers to keep her alive are sexual now, I guess You get assaulted by a lot of trolls. WebHomestuck is bad because the fandom makes it seem like Vriska genuanly got punishment for all the awful things she did by getting punched twice and feeling bad when in actuality she deserved to get killed off and never spoken about again. This magic carpet ride of analytical post-epilogue Homestuck fan content has left you feeling exhilarated and yet hungry for more. Wwwwowwwwwww. Originally the Black Queen of the trolls' incipisphere, after exile to Alternia and took the title of Banished Quasiroyal. They're not human. Hussies apprehension of fandom and the wild projections that come with presiding over one seem appropriate given how public comments on his work ignite controversy within the fandom.

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why homestuck is problematic